We provide support, education, and legal representation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in matters relating to domestic, family and sexual violence.
We offer our services to the whole of the Top End, East Arnhem and Big River regions of the NT. We specialise in delivering our services to people living in remote communities and operate through the bush court system.
Safe and empowered communities where everyone understands their rights and has access to justice.
Our Values
Mutual Cultural Respect
strategic goals and priorities
1. Deliver high quality legal and support services in a culturally proficient manner
- Increase our availability within remote communities through longer visits and identify, wherever possible, safe places to meet clients
- Enhance the coordination of community legal education programs and train our staff in improved education delivery skills
- Develop and implement community and region specific cultural competency programs for staff
- Better describe the role of client support officers as the first line of support for clients seeking and/or needing assistance from NAAFLS
Increase NAAFLS’ recognition through stakeholder engagement, media engagement, development of a new logo and improved marketing tools
2. Through targeted collaboration and partnership, build pathways with other service providers that deliver the best possible outcomes for our clients.
- Enter formal agreements with key stakeholders to ensure enduring referral pathways that don’t only rely on interpersonal relationships
- Ensure NAAFLS is represented at networking and working group meetings, including community safety meetings in communities
- Increase understanding for other service providers of NAAFLS’ role and responsibilities through improved information and publications
3. Advocate and influence policy and law reform to ensure best possible outcomes can be achieved for our clients.
- Build partnerships with academics and legal services to enable collaboration on matters that are identified as in need of changes
- Engage with key stakeholders in the child protection sector, including the NT Government, to ensure our early engagement by clients
- Increase the profile of NAAFLS to be a strong and trusted voice in relation to Aboriginal family law, child protection and family violence matters
- Where legislative, policy and procedure flaws or weaknesses are identified, follow all steps possible to deliver positive change
4. Build a strong, sustainable, and professional organisation that empowers our staff to deliver high quality outcomes.
- Ensure clarity of roles and responsibilities for all staff
- Provide targeted training and professional development opportunities to ensure staff can grow with the organisation
- Collective commitment to NAAFLS’ goals is reinforced through team development and effective collaborative leadership
5. Build a transparent, accountable and respectful organisational culture.
- Organisational performance is measured and reported internally and externally
- Ensure policies and procedures are accurate, clear and straightforward for all staff
- Celebrate organisational and personal successes
- Focus on improved communication within the organisation, with members and board and with external stakeholders
Refer to us
If you would like NAAFLS to help you, or you are referring someone to NAAFLS on their behalf, click the button to access our referral form and we will get in contact.