What we do

A key point of difference for NAAFLS is our culturally informed non-legal support. This team is made up of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff who are skilled case workers and client support officers.

Non-Legal Services

Our non-legal support team assists clients through the legal process and ensures the service is culturally safe.
They offer clients advice about how to keep themselves and their children safe,
as well as how to access other services when trying to deal with difficult situations.

Court Support

Providing emotional support and information to the client through Court processes.

Safety Planning

Helping clients to create safety plans and escape plans from volatile or violent living arrangements.


Assistance to attend appointments or relocate to a safer place.


Client advocacy with Territory Housing and support with housing applications. 


Helping clients to find service providers to support them. Common referrals include mental health counselling, parenting programs, emergency accommodation and financial counselling.

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Case study

Sometimes DVOs and safety plans need to be actioned quickly

Our staff were in a remote community when they got a call from the local safehouse. There was a woman at the safehouse who needed urgent safety from her partner.

The safehouse had bought a plane ticket for the client to fly out the next day, but she heard that her partner was going to try and stop her getting on the plane.

NAAFLS lawyer Dom started the court process for an urgent DVO while our Senior Community Support Officer Renee told the airline workers about the situation. .  

Like our client had feared, the partner did try to get onto the plane but because of our planning and communication the airline workers knew what to expect, and sent the partner away.

We could then drive the client to the airstrip and help her get on the plane safely. She flew out of community and had family waiting to look after her when she landed.

Case study

Police, health clinic and NAAFLS working together to create an evacuation plan to a safehouse

Senior Community Support Officer, Renee was in a remote community last week when a client called and told Renee that she was in danger and needed help escaping.

Luckily, the health clinic was visiting that day. Renee took the client to the clinic so that the client’s partner wouldn’t know she was trying to escape.

At the clinic, Renee organised for the client to travel out of community on the clinic’s plane. The Police were called and agreed to meet the client when her plane landed to drive her to the safehouse.